Selasa, 30 November 2010

Curhat dikit boleh ya

TF sekarang nilainya naik tapi tetep aja remed semua -___- tapi lumayanlah alhamdulillah. Tapi yang paling parah tuh nilai ekonomi. Waktu malem sebelum hari ujian ekonomi, emang malemnya gue lagi ngambek parah terus nangis deh, akhirnya ekonomi terlewatkan begitu saja. Abis liat nilainya mulai terpuruk dah gue. mati ajaaa.... ckckck :'( semangat gue masih belum muncul gara gara yang itu pergi tuh kesana coba dia masih sekolah di jakarta (doni balik dong? -__- ) terus sekarang tentang yang satu itu. Udah ah lupain aja yang satu itu lagian dianya juga biasa, gue juga ga suka beneran kok abis dia itu ngingetin gue sama yang disana itu -__- aaaaa tambah kesel deh gue.. belum sumatif kalo kepikiran yang itu terus gimana mau bagus nilai2 nya? dan yang paling penting hape gue gajadi disita gara gara nilainya jelek waktu itu sempet sih nyerahin dengan pasrah "ma ini hapenya ambil aja abis nilaiku masih ada yang jelek" terus nyokap gue bilang deh " udah nggak usah, tapi janji ya mau belajar lebih giat lagi" waaah thanks god betapa baiknya nyokap gue pas itu. Akhirnya sampe sekarang gue masih pegang hape. Terus berita terbarunya, ada acara charity tanggal 5 Desember, Disitu katanya anak band harus tampil semua. Tapi sampe sekarang belum jelas loh mau lagu apa. Wish me luck aja buat tanggal 5 mudah mudahan acara sukses deh.. amin, sambung lagi kapan kapan ya jam komputer di sekolah udah abis daaaaaah :D


this is my new set

Ini set yang paling baru yang gue buat loooh hahahaha, yang paling gue suka itu sepatunya soalnya pitanya lucu, warna pinknya juga bagus :) soft2 gitu deh. Kalo ada yang pernah liat baju, sepatu, atau aksesoris disini kasih tau gue ya @ Kasih tau nama tokonya sama lokasinya dimana, soalnya gue pengen liat. Kalo ada yang suka sama set ini like aja ya terus visit polyore gue di

Jangan lupa di visit yaaaaa :)

Thanks guys 

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Sabtu, 25 September 2010

You're the only one



Somehow i know i will find a way to a brighter day in the sun
somewhere i know that he waits for me
someday soon he'll see I'm the one

I wont give up on this feeling
and nothing could keep me away

Cause i still believe in Destiny
That you and I were meant to be.
I still wish on the stars as they fall from above
Cause i still believe, believe in love

I know whats real can not be denied
All though it may hide for a awhile..
With just one touch love can calm your fears
Turning all your tears into smiles

It's such a wondrous feeling
I know that my heart can't be wrong

Cause i still believe in destiny
That you and I were meant to be
I still wish on the stars as they fall from above..
Cause i still believe.. believe in love

Love can make miracles change everything
lift you from the darkness and make your heart sing
Love is a river when you fall it's the greatest power of all

Oh, i still believe in destiny
That you and i were meant to be
I still wish on the stars as they fall from above...
Cause i still believe.. believe in love
Yes i still believe.. Believe in love
I still believe in love
I still believe...believe in love
I still believe...believe in love

Jumat, 24 September 2010

This is Friday

Jum'at, 24 September 2010..
Hari ini campur aduk banget ya perasaan gue -__- pleaaase oh no, don't remember me about him, i can't think about him seriously :'( yah gimana lagi ya galau, galau, paraah bangeet. Hari ini gue sama Anis duduk sebangku. Terus gue ketawa melulu, ya cuma momen kayak gini yang bisa bikin gue gak ngerasa punya beban apa-apa. Yah lumayan lah, ketawa bisa buat gue ngerasa yaa much better lah :') Terus hari ini kayanya waktu jalan cepeet banget.. Selama gue belajar hari ini gue bisa enjoy belajar, nikmatin pelajaran walaupun pagi pagi udah ngantuk.. Untungnya dapet tambahan fisika ya walaupun belum begitu ngerti, tapi seenggaknya ngerti lebih dari setengahnya. Tadinya gue kan mau karaokean sama Anis, Aisah, Nanda, Dhimar, eh Dhimar gakbisa, Aisah OSIS/MPK, yaudah akhirnya gue pergi berempat, malah jadi sm Anis, Nanda, and Fadhilah. Terus kita jadinya ke Penvil, karena kalo mau ke D'Best kejauhan, pas naik angkot dimarahin sm bapak2 gara2 kita naiknya lama. Terus pas nyampe Penvil, gue sm yang lain langsung ke Gramedia. Gue beli isi File sama beli pulpen -__- soalnya gue pulpen minjem mulu nih haha yaudah akhirnya gue beli pulpen deh 3. Kertas Filenya buat ngisi binder yang dikasih mamanya Mr. D yah itung2 itu berguna banget buat buku Konsultasi. Yaudah abis itu, kita langsung jalan ke Mr.Pancake. Kita pertamanya pesen 2 menu, buat rame rame, gue mesen Butterfly, sama Nanda pesan apaan ya gue lupa pokoknya pancake pake taburan oreo sama ice cream coklat, kalo butterfly pancake kecil2 sama saus coklat, blueberry sama ice cream strawberry, Ice cream Strawberrynya tuh enaak banget. eh ternyata kita berempat gapuas. Terus kan gue, Anis, sama Nanda maunya pancake Angel Delight yang pake saus coklat sm ice cream coklat tapi Fadhilah bosen coklat mulu yaudah gue, Anis, Nanda deh yang beli lagi Fadhilah ga beli :p yaudah terus pas bayar kan semuanya jadi 88 tuh, patungan gitu eh masa fadhilah jadi bayar 21 aturan dia cuma bayar 13 ribu hahaha kasian banget fadhilah. Pas pulang gue, Nanda, sama Fadhilah naik 75 kearah pasar Minggu, Anis malah gatau kemana -__- gaje gitu terus Fadhilah turun deket 28, naik M17, gue sama Nanda ke pasar Minggu terus naik 606. Di 606 ada pengamen, satunya main gitar, temennya main biola. Ya ampun pas itu gue jadi keingetan dia lagii. Pengamen itu tuh bawain lagu tentang yang jarak jauh gituu terus main biolanya tuh menghayati banget jadi dengernya terharu.. Bener2 langsung keiingetan sama dia :'( kangen, pengen ketemu, semuanya jadi satu.. Kapan gue bisa kaya dulu lagi - itu mah harus nunggu tiga tahun :'( gue ama dia juga udah lostcontact gitulah. EH pas sampe Depok UJAN -__- yaudah terus kebetulan naik 04 langsung penuh, eh akhirnya gue mampir dlu ke rumah Nanda. Gue nunggu sampe Ujannya reda, akhirnya jam setengah 7 gue pulang dr rumah Nanda. Naik angkot. Sampe di Nusantara gue turun terus naik 03, pas naik 03, uh gue salah posisi. Gue duduk di bagian sebelah kiri yang biasanya muat buat 4 orang eh yang duduk mas mas bawa karung gede, sama ibu ibu genduuut 2. Sumpah gue duduk cuma kedapetan seperempat mana kalo ngerem2 gitu gue jadi mau jatoh lagi :'( akhirnya gue nahan sampe kaki gue tuh pegeeel banget . Abis itu masih hujan. Sampe depan komplek akhirnya naik ojek. Sampe rumah yang bukain pintu lama bener mana gak ada 5ribuan yaudah gue kasih aja lebih, bang ambil aja semuanya :) itung2 kasian kan ujan amal ama abang ojek gitu, Semoga secepatnyaaa :')
thanks guys maap nih kalo ceritanya nyampah2 gimana gitu ini kan blog gue jadi silahkan baca baca aja yaa guys

Sabtu, 18 September 2010

Jumat, 03 September 2010

Nightmare -___-

haahh.. gue capek .. semalem emang nyenengin bisa ketemu temen temen lagi .. tapi, yang gue kesel adalah gue harus nangis karena si itu tuh reseee banget,.. gue tau kok dia sibuk, gue juga tau dia tuan rumah .. tapi .. ah, sebenernya penyesalan ada dateng kesana. tapi apa boleh buat, sebegitu senengnya dia, apa sih yang bisa gue larang?.. gue harus bisa liat dia seneng walaupun guenya sakit hati :'(
terus, pas mau pulang, gue sama dia agak berdebat gitu.. sampe gue akhirnya nangis karena gue sebel and kesel banget, bayangin.. di hari spesial kaya gitu, gue sama dia gabisa ngobrol.. gue sedih. dia nuduh gue deket2 sama cowo, asik sendiri sama cowo. padahal waktu gue ajakin dia buat ngobrol bareng, duduk bareng, dianya? cuek. ga nanggepin gue sama sekali. paling cuma ngomong nanti ya nanti. apa itu? apabangetdeh bikin gue sebel kaya gitu
sampe akhirnya gue nangis, gue pulang naik angkot sama azka, ada dino juga.. ya gue masih sedih. terus waktu gue sampe rumah azka, dia sms, maafin aku ya?,.. kata dia gitu. sebenernya gue masih sakit hatilah digituin. tapi dia yang bilang kalo dia sakit hati karena gue deket2 sama cowo lain. itu juga kan karena salah dia, gamau nanggepin gue.
sampe akhirnya dia ketiduran. katanya mau sms gue , tapi gaada satupun sms, gue tunggu sampe jam setengah 12. akhirnya gue tidur,.
tapi ..
abis sahur kan gue tidur..
mimpi burukpun dataang
jeng jeng jeng
gue mimpi dia pergi..
dia balik ke gorontalo..
gue nganter dia pake mobil. tapi?..
gue sedih.. gue gamau ditinggal..
gue langsung telepon dia.
gue nangis, gue sedih, gue gatau kenapa gue bener2 gamau kehilangan dia..
gue gamau ditinggalin sama dia..
tapi setiap pertemuan, pasti akan ada perpisahan..
gue benci perpisahan ..
gue mau dia ada disini..
kaya dulu lagi. kita selalu sama sama, seneng, susah, kita tanggung sama sama..
kalo dia pulang, mungkin gue bakalan ketemu lagi pas ramadhan tahun mendatang.. waktu yang cukup lama buat gue.. gue gabisa nahan sedih dia pergi.. dia orang berharga, yang ngerti gimana perasaan gue :'(

" Jangan pergi, seandainya kamu tau aku disini takut kehilanganmu, seandainya kamu tau aku ga mau kamu pergi,.."

Read it, true or false girls?

17 Signs You Love Him

17. You look at his profile constantly.

16. When you're on the phone with him late at night, and he hangs up, you still miss him.

15. You read his text over and all over again.

14. You walk really slow when you're with him.

13. You feel shy wherever he's around.

12. When you think about him, your heart beats faster and slower at the same time.

10. You smile when you hear his voice.

9. When you look at him, you can't see anothe ones.

8. You start listening to slow music when you think about him.

7. He is all you think about.

6. You get high just from his scent.

5. You realize you're always smiling when you're looking at him.

4. You'd do anything for him.

3. While reading this, there has been one person you think about.

2. You were busy thinking about him, you didn't notice number eleven was missing.

1. You just checked up and now silently laughing at yourself.

Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010


Sebentar lagi dis pulang hahaha horeeeee

Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

argh i'm so sad darlo !

yah akhirnya, sekitar 2 minggu lagi, dia bakalan pergi ninggalin gue disini. Kita bakal jarang ada komunikasi. ketemu juga mungkin setahun sekali. Sukses darlo , i'm waiting you until three years !!
Love you darlo :)

Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

why ..

kenapaaa kenapaaa harus pergi ?.. emang belum pasti. tapi kenapa kamu harus pergi sejauh itu ?.. ya aku tau demi masa depan . aku tau aku harus sabar ngadepin LDR . nunggu 3 tahun . belum tentu juga balik. bakal diambil gak ya? susah banget tiba tiba ninggalin kenyamanan sehari hari .. gak bakal ada yang ngeledekin gue lagi , ngatain gue , sms gue , ngelarang gueee aargh (walaupun waktu dilarang emang kesel) tapi itu semua bermanfaat buat gue . gue gak mau kehilangan loo !!
aaaaaa sedih tauk , gak ngerti banget perasaan oraaang -,- akhirnya belakangan ini mutusin buat nyanyi nyanyi di kamar , salah satunya lagu yang ngegambarin LDR itu kebetulan lagu dari band favorit guee SIMPLE PLAN - I Can Wait Forever

this is the lyrics, and you can see the videos on youtube, or in my blog :)

"I Can Wait Forever"

You look so beautiful today
When you're sitting there it's hard for me to look away
So i try to find the words that i could say
I know distance doesn't matter but you feel so far away
And I cant lie
Every time I leave my heart turns gray
And I want to come back home to see your face
And I
Cause I just cant take it

Another day without you with me
Is like a blade that cuts right through me
But I can wait
I can wait forever
When you call my heart stops beating
When you're gone it wont stop bleeding
But I can wait
I can wait forever

You look so beautiful today
It's like every time I turn around I see your face
The thing I miss the most is waking up next to you
When I look into your eyes, I wish that I could stay
And I cant lie
Every time I leave my heart turns gray
And I want to come back home to see your face
And I
Cause I just cant take it

Another day without you with me
Is like a blade that cuts right through me
But I can wait
I can wait forever
When you call my heart stops beating
When you're gone it wont stop bleeding
But I can wait
I can wait forever

I know it feels like forever
I guess that's just the price I gotta pay
But when I come back home to feel your touch
Makes it better
Till that day
Theres nothing else that I can do
And I just cant take it
I just cant take it

Another day without you with me
Is like a blade that cuts right through me
But i can wait
I can wait forever (I can wait forever)
When you call my heart stops beating
When you're gone it wont stop bleeding
But I can wait
I can wait forever
I can wait forever
I can wait forever...

Senin, 03 Mei 2010

hope everything will be alright

aaah bete deh kenapa sih dia harus berantem sama si MK ? gue benci ama MK sekarang , beraninya dia ngatain "MD" aaaaaaa hate you boy - MK jelek ! Jelek aaaa ada yang punya saran gak gmana caranya supaya MD dan MK gak ribut lagi ? please give me the way ouuut ! ~ and gue bingung sma MD , kenapa sih dia ga bisa ngerubah sikap dia sekalii aja gitu kan biar bagus ?.. biar gak berantem2 lagi ! aaaa kesel sama dua duanya deh , ga ada yang bagus . aaa -,- oh iya alhamdulillah mts ke 28 lulus seleksi berkas semua .. mudah2an masuk semua deh :) amin amin . walaupun persaingan emang ketat , yaah tapi kan kita bisa usaha , walaupun akhirnya ternyata nggak (jangan sampe terjadi) yaa bisa cari sekolah bagus yang lain kok . banyak sekolah bagus :) hehe apalagi di Jakarta ya lumayan laah, and yang buat daftar SMANSA sukses juga yaa . karena gue juga daftar disitu kok . buat Debby yang mau tanding di cakbun sukses yaah hehe sorry kayaknya gue gabisa liat :( pengen cepet besok deeh pengen ketemu semuanyaa . rasanya cepet banget di kelas 9 jadi pengen sama sama lagii ! apalagi sama *L* sama MD , sama semuanya dehh i hope it ! and besok foto2 lagii narsis again yaa haha mudah2an semua hasil jeprat jepretnya baguus :) soalnya yaah buat bookyear juga kan hihi . Ngomong2 gue bete tapi , soalnya gue dituduuh terus apa gue kayak gitu ? aaa bosen dituduh terus !! Pokoknya gue bener bener menanti hari esok .! mudah mudahan besok jadi hari yang baik , lebih baik dari hari hari sebelumnya , Get your Lucky day guys ! :)

Selasa, 27 April 2010

kok kacau yaa ?

aaaa gue sebeel banget .. gue ga ada maksud gtuin dia .. gue karena ada janji aja sama temen gue jadinya gitu ..aaarrgh serba salaah ! semoga besok dia kerumah .. yaah walaupun gue jadi gaenak yaa gmana gitu keseeeel tapi ya mau gmana lagi ? gak enak banget gue ! :(
kapan simple plan ke indonesiaaaaa pengen cepet cepet ada simple plaaaan pengen ketemu pierre :)

Rabu, 14 April 2010

"No Love"

Staring out into the world across the street
You hate the way your life turned out to be
He's pulling up in the driveway and you don't make a sound
Cause you always learn to hold the things you want to say
Your always going to be afraid

There's only hate
There's only tears
There's only pain
There is no love here
Oh so what will you do?
There's only lies
There's only fears
There's only pain
There is no love here

Broken down like a mirror smashed to peices
You learned the hard way to shut your mouth and smile
If these walls could talk they would have so much to say
Cause everytime you fight the scars are gonna heal but there never gonna go away

There's only hate
There's only tears
There's only pain
There is no love here
Oh so what will you do?
There's only lies
There's only fears
There's only pain
There is no love here
Oh no So what will you do?

Your falling, your screaming
Your stuck in the same old nightmare
He's lying, your crying
There's nothing left to salvage
Kick the door cause this is over
Get me out of here

(Kick the door)

There's only hate
There's only tears
There's only pain
There is no love here
Oh so what will you do?
There's only lies
There's only fears
There's only pain
There is no love here
Tell me what will you do?
There's only hate
There's only tears
There's only pain
There is no love here.

"Confessions Of A Broken Heart"

I wait for the postman to bring me a letter
I wait for the good Lord to make me feel better
And I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders
A family in crisis that only grows older

Why’d you have to go
Why’d you have to go
Why’d you have to go

Daughter to father, daughter to father
I am broken but I am hoping
Daughter to father, daughter to father
I am crying, a part of me is dying and
These are, these are
The confessions of a broken heart

And I wear all your old clothes, your polo sweater
I dream of another you
The one who would never (never)
Leave me alone to pick up the pieces
A daddy to hold me, that’s what I needed

So why’d you have to go
Why’d you have to go
Why’d you have to go!!

Daughter to father, daughter to father
I don’t know you, but I still want to
Daughter to father, daughter to father
Tell me the truth, did you ever love me
Cause these are, these are
The confessions of a broken heart

I love you,
I love you
I love you
I love you!!

Daughter to father, daughter to father
I don’t know you, but I still want to
Daughter to father, daughter to father
Tell me the truth...
Did you ever love me!!!?
Did you ever love me?
These are.....
The confessions...of a broken heart


I wait for the postman to bring me a letter..

Minggu, 11 April 2010

Paramore - My Heart

I am finding out that maybe I was wrong
That I've fallen down and I can't do this alone

Stay with me, this is what I need, please?

Sing us a song and we'll sing it back to you
We could sing our own but what would it be without you?

I am nothing now and it's been so long
Since I've heard the sound, the sound of my only hope

This time I will be listening.

Sing us a song and we'll sing it back to you
We could sing our own but what would it be without you?

This heart, it beats, beats for only you
This heart, it beats, beats for only you

This heart, it beats, beats for only you
My heart is yours

This heart, it beats, beats for only you
My heart is yours
(My heart, it beats for you)

This heart, it beats, beats for only you (It beats, beats for only you)
My heart is yours (My heart is yours)

This heart, it beats, beats for only you (Please don't go now, please don't fade away)
My heart, my heart is yours (Please don't go now, please don't fade away)

(Please don't go now, please don't fade away) My heart is yours
(Please don't go now, please don't fade away) My heart is yours
(Please don't go, please don't fade away)
(Please don't go now, please don't fade away) My heart is...

aaaaa besok ujian praktek loh ! Qur'an Hadis sama Bahasa Inggris , mudah mudahan bisaaa amin amin oh iya , gue punya hasil jepretan gue mengenai alat musik yang gue suka !

Ibanez PGM series

Terus yang ini drum yang baguuus banget kereen gue juga mau hahaha

Pearl - Target Series

hi all you can see my blog and you can find the music videos and the lyrics enjoy my blog and you can see videos and singing !

What a Catch Donnie Lyrics

I've got troubled thoughts
And the self-esteem to match
What a catch, what a catch

You'll never catch us
So just let me be
Said I'll be fine
Till the hospital or American Embassy
Miss Flack said I still want you back
Yeah, Miss Flack said I still want you back

I got troubled thoughts
And the self-esteem to match
What a catch, what a catch
And all I can think of
Is the way I'm the one
Who charmed the one
Who gave up on you
Who gave up on you

They say the captain
Goes down with the ship
So, when the world ends
Will God go down with it?
Miss Flack said I still want you back
Yeah, Miss Flack said I still want you back

I got troubled thoughts
And the self-esteem to match
What a catch, what a catch
And all I can think of
Is the way I'm the one
Who charmed the one
Who gave up on you
Who gave up on you

What a catch
What a catch
What a catch
What a catch
[What a Catch Donnie Lyrics On ]
I will never end up like him
Behind my back, I already am
Keep a calendar
This way you will always know

I got troubled thoughts
And the self-esteem to match
What a catch, what a catch
And all I can think of
Is the way I'm the one
Who charmed the one
Who gave up on you
Who gave up on you

Where is your boy tonight?
I hope he is a gentleman
Maybe he won't find out what I know
You were the last good thing
We're going down, down in an earlier round
And sugar, we're goin' down swinging
Dance, dance, we're falling apart to halftime
Dance, dance, and these are the lives you'd love to lead
Dance, this is the way they'd love
If they knew how misery loved me
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms race
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms race
One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you, only sweeter
Growing up, growing up

I got troubled thoughts
And the self-esteem to match
What a catch, what a catch

Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Thanks for the Memories

I'm gonna make you bend and break
Say a prayer, but let the good times roll
In case God doesn't show (let the good times roll, let the good times roll)
And I want these words to make things right
But it's the wrongs that makes the words come to life
"Who does he think he is"
If that's the worst you've got better put your fingers back to the keys

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you only sweeter

One night yeah and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See He tastes like you only sweeter

I'm looking forward to the future
But my eyesight is going bad
And this crystal ball
Is always cloudy except for (except for)
When you look into the past (look into the past)
One night stand
One night stand, OH!

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you only sweeter

One night yeah one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See he tastes like you only sweeter

They say I only think in the form of
Crunching numbers in hotel rooms
Collecting page six lovers
Get me out of my mind
Gets you out of those clothes
I'm a liner away from
Getting you into the mood (wa-ooooohhh)

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you only sweeter

One night yeah one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See he tastes like you only sweeter

One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
He tastes like you only sweeter

One night yeah one more time
Thanks for the memories
Thanks for the memories
See he tastes like you only sweeter

Simple Plan - Perfect Lyric

Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
Do you think I'm wasting my time doing things I wanna do?
but it hurts when you disapprove all along

And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't pretend that I'm alright
And you can't change me

Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect

I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be my hero?
All the days you spend with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't care anymore

And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you, proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing's alright

Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect

Nothing's gonna change the things that you said
Nothing's gonna make this right again
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard
Just to talk to you
But you don't understand

Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect

Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect

this is my new blog ! i wanna write something new , hahaa
i hope you like it !